Over here at Helga Wear, our 2019 has started out with a bang! Helga Wear Owner and Founder Jodi Huettner made her TV debut as a subject on CBC’s Stats of Life - Season 2 Ep 1
Chosen from more than 800 applications, Jodi’s story follows her journey as an entrepreneur. Like many new business owners, Jodi supplements her income through the gig economy in order to have the time and space she needs to pursue her passion- making sure that women have the work wear they need to stay healthy, hydrated, and happy on the job site.
This is Jodi’s story but it’s one that represents the experience of thousands of Canadian entrepreneurs and business owners as they do what they need to to make their dreams come true. And that’s what Stats of Life is all about. Stats of Life merges statistical data gathered from census and other data sources with day-in-the-life filmed interviews in order to capture the real life stories behind Canadian statistics.
Jodi’s Stats of Life episode made its debut through the CBC Gem app at 9:30PM on January 11th. No sooner had it hit the digital airways than Jodi’s inbox starting filling up as her phone rang off the hook. With orders pouring in from across the country, and product to be sent out just as quickly, the following days were Helga Wear’s busiest to date.
It was the perfect kind of busy. Years of battling against middle aged wholesale buyers who argue women are just “smaller men” and that they’re “making do” with unisex gear, made hearing from tons of interested women and wholesalers that much more satisfying.
But more than that, Jodi is thrilled that she is one step closer to forever closing the lid on the real life abnormal hydrating and toileting behaviours of women on worksites, women like her who used maladaptive coping strategies like not drinking enough water to avoid being stuck in the field, unable to relieve themselves. But that’s another story.
Moving forward with the momentum, Jodi is bringing her story; a valuable health and safety share, along with a healthy supply of Hilda's, to work sites near YOU! Sign up on Helga Wear's mailing list for more details, and if your business is in the Lower Mainland, on Vancouver Island request a Health and Safety Share/Product Demo from Jodi Here!
Written by: Liz Goode